
Yoga is a way of life that has been practiced for centuries. It is not only a physical exercise but also a means of achieving inner peace and tranquility. Yoganidrasana is one such yoga pose that helps in attaining both physical and mental wellness. In this article, we will delve into the meaning, benefits, and step-by-step guide of Yoganidrasana.

Meaning of Yoganidrasana and Where it Came From

Yoganidrasana is a Sanskrit word that means “yogic sleep pose.” This asana is also known as the “reclining hero pose” or “sleeping hero pose.” It is said to have originated in ancient India as a part of Hatha yoga.

When To Practice Yoganidrasana

Yoganidrasana is an advanced level yoga pose and should only be practiced by those who have been doing yoga for a while. It is best practiced early in the morning or in the evening, on an empty stomach.

Step by Step guide How to do Yoganidrasana

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do Yoganidrasana:

  1. Start by sitting in Vajrasana, also known as the Thunderbolt pose.
  2. Slowly lean back and lie down on your back, keeping your legs together.
  3. Stretch your arms behind your head and interlock your fingers.
  4. Slowly raise your legs off the ground and bring them over your head.
  5. Try to touch your toes to the ground behind your head. Hold this position for a few seconds.
  6. Slowly bring your legs back to the starting position and release your hands.
  7. Return to the starting position of Vajrasana.

Common Mistakes of Yoganidrasana

One of the most common mistakes people make while performing Yoganidrasana is not keeping their legs together. Your legs should be together throughout the asana. Another mistake is not releasing the hands while coming back to the starting position. Ensure that you release your hands slowly and in a controlled manner.

Suggested preparatory Asanas 

It is essential to prepare your body before attempting Yoganidrasana. Some suggested preparatory asanas are:

  • Virasana (Hero pose)
  • Bhujangasana (Cobra pose)
  • Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-facing dog pose)
  • Setu Bandhasana (Bridge pose)

Suggested follow-up Asanas 

After completing Yoganidrasana, some suggested follow-up asanas are:

  • Halasana (Plow pose)
  • Matsyasana (Fish pose)
  • Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half spinal twist pose)

Pro Tips for Beginners

For beginners, it is recommended to use a folded blanket or cushion under the head to reduce the pressure on the neck. It is also crucial to take it slow and not force the body into the pose. Remember to listen to your body and only push yourself to your limits.


Yoganidrasana is not recommended for those who have any spinal injuries, high blood pressure, or heart problems. It is also not suitable for pregnant women.

Modifications & Variations 

There are a few modifications and variations you can try while performing Yoganidrasana. If you are not able to touch your toes to the ground, you can place your feet against a wall for support. You can also use a strap around your feet to keep them together.


It is crucial to take certain precautions while performing Yoganidrasana. Some of these precautions include:

  • Avoid practicing Yoganidrasana if you have any recent injuries or medical conditions that may interfere with your ability to perform the asana.
  • Always warm up before attempting Yoganidrasana to prevent injury.
  • Practice under the guidance of a trained yoga instructor to ensure correct alignment and prevent injury.
  • Avoid pushing your body too hard and do not hold the pose for too long.
  • Listen to your body and do not force the pose beyond your capabilities.

In conclusion, Yoganidrasana is an excellent yoga pose for achieving physical and mental wellness. It requires focus, strength, and flexibility, making it an ideal pose for advanced yoga practitioners. However, it is crucial to practice Yoganidrasana with caution and under the guidance of a trained yoga instructor. With regular practice, Yoganidrasana can help you achieve a deeper sense of relaxation and inner peace.

25 Health Benefits of Yoganidrasana 

  1. Reduces stress and anxiety: Yoganidrasana helps to calm the mind, reduce stress, and alleviate anxiety.
  1. Enhances sleep quality: The pose helps in promoting better sleep quality.
  1. Improves posture: It helps in correcting poor posture and aligns the spine.
  1. Strengthens core muscles: It strengthens the core muscles, including the abs, back, and hips.
  1. Increases flexibility: Yoganidrasana increases flexibility in the spine, hips, and legs.
  1. Enhances digestion: The pose stimulates the digestive system, promoting better digestion.
  1. Improves blood circulation: It helps in improving blood circulation in the body.
  1. Reduces lower back pain: Yoganidrasana helps in reducing lower back pain.
  1. Boosts immunity: The pose helps in boosting immunity by reducing stress and promoting relaxation.
  1. Increases lung capacity: It helps in increasing lung capacity and improving respiratory health.
  1. Enhances mental clarity: Yoganidrasana helps in increasing mental clarity and focus.
  1. Promotes weight loss: The pose helps in burning excess calories and promoting weight loss.
  1. Reduces menstrual discomfort: It helps in reducing menstrual discomfort and pain.
  1. Lowers blood pressure: Yoganidrasana helps in reducing high blood pressure.
  1. Improves balance: The pose helps in improving balance and stability.
  1. Strengthens the pelvic floor: It helps in strengthening the pelvic floor muscles.
  1. Reduces inflammation: Yoganidrasana helps in reducing inflammation in the body.
  1. Promotes emotional well-being: The pose helps in promoting emotional well-being and reducing depression.
  1. Increases endurance: It helps in increasing endurance and stamina.
  1. Reduces headaches: Yoganidrasana helps in reducing headaches and migraines.
  1. Improves kidney function: The pose helps in improving kidney function and promoting better urinary health.
  1. Increases sexual health: It helps in increasing sexual health and stamina.
  1. Promotes inner peace: Yoganidrasana helps in promoting inner peace and a sense of tranquility.
  1. Reduces sciatica pain: It helps in reducing sciatica pain.
  1. Enhances overall physical and mental wellness: Yoganidrasana helps in enhancing overall physical and mental wellness by promoting relaxation, reducing stress, and improving flexibility, strength, and balance.

In conclusion, Yoganidrasana is a powerful yoga pose that offers numerous health benefits. Regular practice of this pose can help in improving physical, mental, and emotional well-being, promoting a healthier and happier life.

20 FAQ on Yoganidrasana 

Q: What is Yoganidrasana?

A: Yoganidrasana is an advanced yoga pose that is also known as the “reclining hero pose” or “sleeping hero pose.”

Q: What are the benefits of Yoganidrasana?

A: The benefits of Yoganidrasana include stress reduction, improved posture, increased flexibility, enhanced digestion, boosted immunity, reduced lower back pain, and many others.

Q: Is Yoganidrasana suitable for beginners?

A: Yoganidrasana is an advanced yoga pose that requires flexibility and strength. It is not suitable for beginners and should be practiced under the guidance of a trained yoga instructor.

Q: What are the contraindications of Yoganidrasana?

A: The contraindications of Yoganidrasana include pregnancy, recent abdominal surgery, knee or ankle injuries, and high blood pressure.

Q: How long should I hold Yoganidrasana?

A: It is recommended to hold Yoganidrasana for 20-30 seconds on each side.

Q: What are the preparatory asanas for Yoganidrasana?

A: Some of the preparatory asanas for Yoganidrasana include Virasana, Supta Virasana, and Ardha Bhekasana.

Q: What are the follow-up asanas for Yoganidrasana?

A: Some of the follow-up asanas for Yoganidrasana include Bhujangasana, Salabhasana, and Dhanurasana.

Q: What are the modifications of Yoganidrasana?

A: One modification of Yoganidrasana is to use a folded blanket or bolster to support the back and head.

Q: What are the variations of Yoganidrasana?

A: One variation of Yoganidrasana is to extend the arms overhead and hold the toes or ankles.

Q: How often should I practice Yoganidrasana?

A: It is recommended to practice Yoganidrasana 2-3 times a week to see the benefits.

Q: Can Yoganidrasana help with lower back pain?

A: Yes, Yoganidrasana can help in reducing lower back pain.

Q: Can Yoganidrasana help with stress reduction?

A: Yes, Yoganidrasana can help in reducing stress and promoting relaxation.

Q: Can Yoganidrasana help with digestion?

A: Yes, Yoganidrasana can help in stimulating the digestive system and promoting better digestion.

Q: Can Yoganidrasana help with improving posture?

A: Yes, Yoganidrasana can help in correcting poor posture and aligning the spine.

Q: Can Yoganidrasana help with enhancing flexibility?

A: Yes, Yoganidrasana can help in increasing flexibility in the spine, hips, and legs.

Q: Can Yoganidrasana help with boosting immunity?

A: Yes, Yoganidrasana can help in boosting immunity by reducing stress and promoting relaxation.

Q: Can Yoganidrasana help with enhancing mental clarity?

A: Yes, Yoganidrasana can help in increasing mental clarity and focus.

Q: Can Yoganidrasana help with weight loss?

A: Yes, Yoganidrasana can help in burning excess calories and promoting weight loss.

Q: Can Yoganidrasana help with menstrual discomfort?

A: Yes, Yoganidrasana can help in reducing menstrual discomfort and pain.

Q: Can Yoganidrasana help with high blood pressure?

A: Yes, Yoganidrasana can help in reducing high blood pressure.


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